
7 Signs You’re Settling in a Relationship

“He wants to live together first,” she said to me with hopeful optimism for the future. My young 20 something co-worker beamed as she talked about her then boyfriend. ”Noooo, don’t do it!” I was thinking, but didn’t say.

I had good reason to keep silent: I was at work, no one in the room seemed to share my concerns, and I had interrupted a conversation already in progress.

I chose rather, to sit and listen to my goo-goo-eyed colleague talk about the man in her life (who was currently living with his mama). From my vantage point, the expectations she had for her relationship were low. I knew this because in the past I too have cozied up with compromise for the sake of not being alone.

But desperation, should not be the reason a woman enters a relationship. She should not be driven by the culture, an amped up biological clock or nosy family members who never tire of asking, “When are you going to get married?” The decision to engage in a relationship should begin with God.

Which may sound a bit ambiguous and be more like looking for a penny in dense swamp water. I get it. Discerning the will of God is difficult, especially when it comes to the opposite sex. For this reason I’m offering 7 signs to help you identify whether or not you are settling in a relationship.

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